New Life Refuge Ministries

New Life Refuge Cyber Patrols

Sign up to do Cyber Patrols in Corpus Christi

In Partnership with the EPIK Project


Sex trafficking exists because there is a receptive market of male buyers willing to purchase and exploit victims. If there are no buyers, there is no demand, and no demand means no victims. The EPIK Project through Cyber Patrol Partnerships is a collaborative effort to end the demand for commercial sex and human trafficking victims in Texas. One such program is located in Corpus Christi, Texas through New Life Refuge and the EPIK Project partnership.  

Cyber Patrols achieve three main objectives: gathering and providing real-time data on the online buyer landscape via a dashboard & chatbot, gathering local stakeholders to discuss combating demand, and establishing additional cyber patrols through which members of the community can fight the demand for sex trafficking in their city.

Epik Project presents Cyber Patrols

There are hundreds of men across the country who meet regularly to disrupt the demand for commercial sexual exploitation at the point of purchase. By joining this growing community of men, volunteers also have the opportunity to learn how to leverage their unique influence in order to change the masculine culture for the better. By drawing on the best thinkers and leaders from across the anti-trafficking movement, Epik volunteers have the chance not only to learn about the issue but also to be equipped to change the culture that perpetuates sex trafficking; starting with their own communities.

sign up for cyber patrols