New Life Refuge Ministries

Equine Therapy

What is Trauma-Informed Equine Therapy?

Trauma-Informed Equine Therapy is the use of horses to assist in teaching residents how to properly form trusting relationships. As one can imagine it is very difficult to have a quality relationship after having trust bonds broken by trauma. Our girls ask the horses to do simple tasks in a small pen without any physical connection. This allows the horse the ability to ignore, resist or cooperate with what is being asked of them. Just like a person can do in a human-to-human relationship. This allows the residents to learn how to gain the trust and understanding of a large animal to form a healthy relationship. These skills directly correlate with how they form relationships with other people.

Meet the Horses


Anthem is a Mustang who was once wild on the range of Nevada. She was originally trained for the Youth Extreme Mustang Makeover in 2016. Anthem is the boss lady of the herd but is a sweetie at heart. She loves to smile and enjoys belly scratches. She is the most outgoing horse in the herd but if you make her upset she can hold a grudge. Anthem joined our therapy team in 2020.


Ace is a Shetland pony that was rescued from a kill pen in 2016. He had a significant amount of trauma to deal with. Being a therapy horse has helped Ace as much as it has helped the girls who get to work with Ace. Today, Ace is a social pony who loves treats and the girls’ attention. Ace joined our therapy team in 2020 and has been a great addition for the girls who are nervous around the big horses.


Reya is a Mustang who was also once wild on the Nevada ranges. She was trained alongside Anthem for the 2016 Youth Extreme Mustang Makeover. Reya can come off with a guarded personality but once you gain her trust you have a friend for life. She is very sensitive and because of this, she is an amazing therapy horse. Reya joined our team in 2021.

Champions fore Charity makes a 107% difference. Donors are champions fore supporting charities and school programs. Charities are champions fore supporting our community.

Formerly known as Birdies for Charity®, Champions fore Charity is a fundraising program that provides participating charities and schools the opportunity to generate contributions through the Valero Texas Open. Champions fore Charity is a no-cost program that gives 100% of the funds raised back to the participating organizations, plus incentives including a 7% match. 

Last day to donate is April 15, 2024.


What's Gift Cards for Goodies?

Our “Gift Cards for Goodies” has two meanings for the child survivors of trafficking healing at our campus. Gift cards are a reward for healthy choices and behavior and of course, they can then pick out tangible “goodies” with the gift cards. The program provides recognition for the child survivors when they hit a milestone, help another student out, grow in leadership, go above and beyond, or are just “caught doing something good”.

How does a Dollar become Dynamic?

1) Contact New Life Refuge Ministries to complete your For Benefit of Fundraising commitment before raising money. Call 361-946-6331 or EMail:

2.) Make a collection container. (Graphics/template provided)

3) What you simply say to people in your office, people in any group, and / or to people you meet: “Please give $1.00 to help stamp out human trafficking.” That’s all that is needed. If they have questions give a simple explanation about New Life Refuge Home of Hope for underage survivors.

4) Ask the person to, in turn, “spread the word about the issue and need for housing,”– ask others to begin to collect.

5) The simple dollar over and over becomes the “Dynamic Dollar!”

6) Remember: a “decline of a dollar” for your jug is not a reflection of you personally. Keep plugging away!

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Our first priority in all of our programs is care and safety. We make an active and intentional effort to prevent child abuse, including verbal, physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse through implementing strict child safety protocols and having a zero tolerance for such behavior from any employee.