To welcome each girl to her new home, we hope to provide her with the following necessities. During the holiday season and throughout the year, grab your friends and family and “Adopt a Butterfly” by collecting all the items she will need on this list.
Champions fore Charity makes a 107% difference. Donors are champions fore supporting charities and school programs. Charities are champions fore supporting our community.
Formerly known as Birdies for Charity®, Champions fore
Last day to donate is April 15, 2024. https://valerotexasopen.
Our “Gift Cards for Goodies” has two meanings for the child survivors of trafficking healing at our campus. Gift cards are a reward for healthy choices and behavior and of course, they can then pick out tangible “goodies” with the gift cards. The program provides recognition for the child survivors when they hit a milestone, help another student out, grow in leadership, go above and beyond, or are just “caught doing something good”.
For currently available positions and their job descriptions, please apply on
New Life Refuge Ministries Employee Information
Our first priority in all of our programs is care and safety. We make an active and intentional effort to prevent child abuse, including verbal, physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse through implementing strict child safety protocols and having a zero tolerance for such behavior from any employee.